Have you set your New Year resolutions? Are they realistic and achievable?
As a Life Coach, I suggest you rate your goals on a scale of 1-10, with 10 being most likely to achieve. Once you have rated each of your goals, work on the ones where you can start to have some success quickly.
For the Resolutions that are scaled at the bottom, where you need to do a lot of work to achieve them, I suggest you develop a plan.
Key Things I Recommend
- When your goals are big, break them down in to small achievable steps and work on them one at a time
- Look at your language and how you communicate, language can be limiting and often we don’t realise how we come across.
- Don’t engage in negative conversations with others, walk away or change the subject.
- Many people live in fear, sometimes it is fear of change, so they prefer to do nothing and remain the same. Why not make small changes at first, and once you see the benefits of these changes, you can start to make more. We all fear things bite the bullet and take action.
- Look at people you admire and respect in your network and observe how they operate. Learn from them. Get advice from them.
- Mix with people who are positive and love life. They are a catalyst and other positive people are drawn to them.
Life is not a dressed rehearsal, live the life you want!
“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life” (Steve Jobs )
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