New Year Resolution

Being more mindful

Living more mindfully

What is mindfulness? It means slowing down and being aware of everything that is around you and living and enjoying the present. It is about living in the present without judgment and not spending time focussing always on the future.

Mindfulness is used around the world in business, schools, hospitals and within sport.

If you want to be more fully aware and improve the quality of your life and be happier mindfulness can help you.

My six tips to get you started:

Do one thing at a time. Stop multi-tasking and do one task at a time and do it well.   Enjoy doing it. You will be more productive.

  1.  Enjoy nature, nature helps us to heal, so go for a walk, dig the garden, walk the dog  but enjoy the environment and see the beauty in it without judgment.
  2.  Don’t worry about the future, live in the now and make the most of it. Happy people  live in the present.
  3.  Listen actively, so when talking to someone, listen to what they are saying and don’t let your mind wander to what you need to do next. Be present and enjoy your conversation. The small things can make a huge difference  to other people’s lives and your own too.
  4. Eat slowly and enjoy your food
  5. Spend 5 minutes every day sitting quietly and doing nothing, clear your mind and enjoy the peace.
  6. Live slowly and stop rushing around, as you live more slowly you will become more aware of what is going on around you.

Much has been written about mindfulness and the benefits to individuals are huge in terms of health, feeling less stressed etc. Read about it and see if it feels right for you.

I live mindfully and it has changed the way I think, the way I live and my view of life.

If you want help to live more mindfully and make life changes and you think having your own coach will help then contact me


Your Life Your Journey and Your Happiness

Your Life Your Journey and Your Happiness

We all want to be happy, and our lives to be filled with happiness and laughter. If we are not content with our lives now we often have a goal for the future and we believe that happiness will come when we get that goal.

The majority of people are always searching for happiness.

Happiness will not come when you reach your goal. Happiness is right here now in front of you, it’s in the everyday things you do, the people you meet, your environment.

Why are so many people searching for happiness and not seeing it? Happiness is a state of mind and it is how you view life. Stop searching for happiness and start making your own happiness.


Happiness is…

My tips for being happy?

  1.   Have a positive mindset and look at the glass half-full instead of half-empty.
  2.   Ring a friend you haven’t seen in a long time
  3.   See the good around you  – it is there around all of us, appreciate nature
  4.   Set aside your ego and stop trying to control things that you have no control over
  5.   Make a point of doing things that you really love, going for a walk, reading etc.    whatever you like
  6.   Keeping away from negative people
  7.   Not getting involved in negative conversations – walking away from them or trying    to change them to be more positive
  8.   Doing something good for somebody every day
  9.  Look for the good in everything you do
  10. Eat a balanced diet and exercise regularly

Being happy is a continual process and you always need to work on it, it is life enhancing and will make a huge difference to your life and those around you.

Start now and make a note of what makes you happy now!

If you want the help of a life coach contact me


Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at